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Module 2

Lyric Poster Infographic

From PAAS 229 - Pre-Intermediate Korean II

I was tasked to make a poster project of my favorite songs showcasing the lyrics and new words from that song. Here are the two posters!:

LyricsNew Words


Development Timeline Infographic

From CSC 375 - Intro to Systems Analysis

In a group project, we were tasked to make a (mock) timeline (production and software) for our product idea. The product was a module to make any old car keyless!. Here is the timeline!: Timeline


WAVE Accessibility Report

Here is a screenshot of my 'WAVE Accessibility Report' from my Module 1 post: Timeline

My wave report will look a bit different compared to others since I decided to make my own website (through a pre-made theme in AstroJS) rather than WordPress.


Reflection Questions

"What did you find when you ran the WAVE accessibility report on your blog post(s)? What did you expect and what was surprising? Is there anything you will do differently going forward?"

I found out I have 3 errors (2 from my embedded youtube video) and 1 from skipping a header (ex: went from h1 to h3). Also 3 contrast errors from my commenting plugin, 'JamComments'.

I expected the contrast for the 'JamComments' plugin would get a bad score. I have not had time yet to figure out how to change the default styles for the comment section; they definitely don't look the most readable buttons.

I did not expect the 3 errors. It makes sense that a Youtube video would not be the most accessible form of content, however, I did not know the convention of needing to use headers (h1,h2,h3,etc) in order. I just did what I thought looked good. Going forward, I think I will look more into header uses in a markdown file (this blog is made in markdown), and also try to caption my video and even provide a tab to open the captions for the video on the blog itself so the user doesn't have to leave my blog, they could just read the transcript below.

"Have you used Text to Speech tools before? Did you find it useful? Did you try out some of the different voices? What impact did the different voices have on your ability to absorb information?"

I have used the built in accessability one for MacOS, it works quite well and you can adjust the speed of the speech for the text on your screen. The voices are a bit robotic. I think this is more apparent to me after using some online AI tools that have a huge LLMs (Large Language Models) for voices that make text to speech sound much more realistic. However, this speech is compiled in advance to a server (not done locally on your computer), so bit slower/inconvenient to get results when just reading a document.

I think when the voices of Text to Speech sound more real (like the AI tools), it helps my learning because my mind is less distracted when trying to understand some words that have a weird pronunciation.


  • Nakoda

    Hey Nima! Your blog is amazing, I love the level of detail you've added, it gives it a very cozy vibe. The language poster is a great idea and definitely super helpful for a harder language like Korean. I would like to do an exchange semester in Seoul and so your poster will come in handy for me. Overall, you've done an amazing job and I can't wait to see what's in store for the rest of the semester!

  • Han

    Hi Nima! First off, fantastic work on your latest blog post. The organization really stood out, making the content flow seamlessly and easy to digest. The infographic on the Korean language was particularly striking - I'm already planning to use it as a reference for learning new phrases. It's intriguing to see our blogs have similar ratings from the WAVE Accessibility report, highlighting the accessibility of our content. You've done an excellent job overall.

    What really caught my attention was the design and layout of your website. It's refreshing to see something different from the usual Wordpress themes, adding an extra layer of engagement for your readers. Great job on creating such a user-friendly and informative post!

  • Saksham

    The content looks good, the layout and design of the website is the highlight for me! I feel like the template you used gives the blog even more engagement as compared to the usual Wordpress templates most of us are using. The infographic related to language really fits in there. A description could have been confusing and the chart for progress under that also seems informational and easy to understand!
    Good work:)

  • Nour (nkamel)

    Hey Nima! First of all, great post. I liked the way that you organized things and made it very easy for me to follow through. I found the infographic you created interesting, especially the one on the Korean language (I will definitely be referring back to this to learn some words haha). I also found it interesting that both of our blog posts received similar WAVE Accessibility report ratings. All in all, you did a great job!